Tag Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Views

My desk view

View while icing my shoulder

Wordless Wednesday

(the sky reflects my mood, changeable)

Wordless Wednesday – Beet Me!

Farmer McGregor’s dream beet or the latest in beet headwear?

(Mutant beet from my CSA this week!)

Your thoughts, please, on what to do with it….

Wordless Wednesday, Holiday Edition

This Wordless Wednesday is especially for my family and friends who miss Christmas in the city by the Bay, enjoy!

Produce Box Bounty

In lieu of Wordless Wednesdays I thought you might like to see what I receive in my weekly produce box. 

Weekly produce box Weekly produce box

This week’s CSA box from Farm Fresh To You is bounteous!

The Veg:

Green leaf lettuce, two massive leeks as long as my femur, a gorgeous bunch of snow white turnips with greens, baby bok choy, a bunch of carrots, a head of celery, a yellow onion, a huge fan of rainbow chard – one giant leaf of each hue,  and a huge bag of fat green beans.

The Fruit:

 Green apples, green pears and crunchy persimmons.

And today’s wildlife:

                      a ladybug!

It wouldn’t be an organic produce box without some sort of wildlife!

My plans for this haul:

  • Sauteed chard with turnip greens with a roasted chicken
  • Crispy baked leek rings
  • Leek and potato soup
  • Pot au feu with celery, turnips, fingerling potatoes (from the last box), green beans and bok choy
  • Salads for work-lunches:
    • with green apples and walnuts
    • with crunch persimmons and pine nuts
    • with pears and goat cheese
  • Celery sticks and peanut butter – for a light dinner; and with ricotta for a breakfast

I am hoping that by writing out this plan and then publishing it, then perhaps I will actually do it.  It is so easy to get caught up in being busy and doing things on the fly, like meal planning and chores, and eventually something else comes up which pushes spontaneous plans aside.  But by formulating a meal plan, and next by assigning dates to do this in my calendar, I hope to stick to it.  The benefit to me is obviously exceptionally tasty meals.  And just look at this produce, it is gorgeous, fully alive and fresh and ready for the kitchen.  I won’t disappoint it fulfilling its destiny!

But in closing:


(Scenes from King Street after the Giants win the World Series, the historic parade down Montgomery Street and City Hall at night!)

Wordless Wednesday – A Glimpse of Office Life

Snack du jour: yak jerky
(snack du jour: yak jerky from Tibet. Commodity yak?)

A sliver of warmth between the cold canyon walls
(catching a few rays at lunch; a sliver of warmth between the cool canyons)

My desk drawer
(the holy of holyies: my desk drawer)

Wordless Wednesday

Nothing is sweeter than when a friend makes you dessert!

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

A workday Wordless Wednesday!

(T-B: a summer view from the office; mufallata sandwich from Boccalone; waiting for Outlook to come back online.)

Wordless Wednesday

Well, one word…. Wooohoooo!

(I have been celebrating!)